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17.02.2025 Roth

Humanities, Lakenheath, The Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are only eligible for State of Maryland benefits. Adjuncts are not eligible for the State.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
17.02.2025 Roth

Economics, Camp Foster, The Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are only eligible for State of Maryland benefits. Adjuncts are not eligible for the State.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
17.02.2025 Roth

Economics, Camp Henry, The Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are only eligible for State of Maryland benefits. Adjuncts are not eligible for the State.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
17.02.2025 Roth

Economics, Camp Humphreys, The Undergraduate School - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are only eligible for State of Maryland benefits. Adjuncts are not eligible for the State.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
17.02.2025 Roth

Political Science, Department of Applied Sciences - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are not eligible for the State of Maryland subsidized rates. Adjuncts.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
14.02.2025 Roth

Doctoral of Business Administration, Department of Accounting, Finance, and Operations - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are not eligible for the State of Maryland subsidized rates. Adjuncts.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
14.02.2025 Roth

Principles of Accounting, Department of Accounting and Finance - Adjunct Faculty

Health Coverage: Access to health care, medical with vision, dental, and prescription plans for both individuals and families, effective from the 1st of the month following your hire date. NOTE: Adjuncts are not eligible for the State of Maryland subsidized rates. Adjuncts.
Quelle: www.umgc.edu
13.02.2025 56179 Vallendar

Manager Accreditations and Faculty Management (w/m/d)

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Arbeit im Team mit einer Kollegin zur Durchführung von internen Studiengangsakkreditierungen sowie Beratung von Hochschulangehörigen bei akkreditierungstechnischen Fragen. Betreuung des Faculty Management-Tools (Academ): Datenpflege, Kontakt zu den Nutzer:innen an der Hochschule und zum Dienstleister.
Quelle: www.stepstone.de
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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie viele Stellen sind aktuell für Faculty in Köln ausgeschrieben?
Zurzeit sind 0 Positionen für Faculty in Köln offen.

Gibt es Teilzeitstellen für Faculty in Köln?
Derzeit sind 0 Teilzeitjobs für Faculty in Köln verfügbar.

Wie viele Vollzeitjobs gibt es für Faculty in Köln?
Gegenwärtig gibt es 0 Vollzeitangebote für Faculty in Köln.

Wie sieht das Angebot für Faculty in den größten Städten aus?
In den größten deutschen Städten suchen Unternehmen nach 6 Mitarbeitern für Faculty.